Thank you to the New Rochelle Public School District for allowing the announcement that I wrote to be said prior to Memorial Day at all of the schools. The announcement says, “We take this time to remember our “Blue and Gold Star” Military Families and thank them for their sacrifice, generosity, and we want them to know that they are a part of our community.” It is important for all of us to acknowledge the “Blue and Gold Star” Military Families in our communities. I reached out to many of the school districts across Westchester County and asked them to also do the same. I will continue to try and make contact with all Superintendents across Westchester County and then across New York State in an effort to have the announcement read on Patriot Day, Veterans Day, and Memorial Day. Thank you also to the schools that participated on Long Island. Mostly, thank you to John Barnes who is the Principal at Albert Leonard Middle School because he is so supportive of not only me, but all of his students. Thank you to Peter Parente for coordinating the Memorial Day once again. Thank you Mayor Bramson for your continued presence at the Memorial Day events and evident patriotism. Thank you to my incredible community for coming to the parade, but more importantly to the ceremony that took place before. My community embraces those who serve and their families and respects the lives that were lost by honoring them in all the right ways. Thank you New Rochelle! And, don’t forget to purchase a Star. It is a $10 donation to the vital programs of the USO. They can be purchased through my website. You can also contact me with a comment here if you have any questions about ordering one. The Military Families will see the Star on your car and know that you are thinking of them. That’s that point! Enjoy the pictures. You can view mores pictures on Stars for Cars Facebook page.
Your Neighbor,