Happy Easter and Happy Passover.  I had an awesome time with my family today.  I went to my grandmother’s church at 9:00 AM.  Even though she was not there, it was good to be at the church of our family.   I had an egg hunt at my house.  I spent time with my 93-year-old aunt.  I spent the whole day with my family.  I hope you all had a good time with your family as well.  I am writing today to remind you to keep our Heroic Military Families in your thoughts and prayers.  A “Gold Star” Military Family does not have a complete family to celebrate.  The holidays may be even mournful, when one looks at the empty seat at the table. A “Blue Star” family may feel empty during the holidays because they might think of their loved one and miss them. We must remember to pray and thank our Brave One Percenters and their families, not just during the holidays, but every day of the year.

Your Neighbor,

Jake Gallin

Egg Dying

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